I am innocent I tells ya, It’s society made me do it.
Why sure that was my hand in your pocket but you never said I couldn’t do it.
If I’d heard even one moan I would have stopped and shot again but through the gurgles I never heard a tone.
The clergy said it was ok not to tell the truth on a need to know basis so I told you my name was Ruth.
Why just one twitch and I’d have started praying instead of preying, Honest, I say this without a hitch.
Had I known you didn’t want me to pull that trigger in the first place you wouldn’t have shown me your wallet was so much bigger.
My mother played a part for never spanking me ya know and my father said nothing, he wasn’t there, he had to go.
My teachers were all handcuffed by my lawyers, I would have sued them so, there’s profit in nonprofit don’t you know.
They never stopped me for speeding enough times and that warped my mind to have so many chances to cross the lines.
Drunk and murderous they once called it but had no more room in the mental ward so let me go which means I am cured now don’t you know.
No one cared as long as I was not knocking at their door so it is ok to do it if I do it to the poor.
The priest he said it was OK, that I should never tell. He had to go to another place but not to fear, he’d teach them there as well.
I am sorry Mr. John Doe, I was always on your side but you had too many golf clubs and such a pretty bride.
I was looking through your wallet and found a child or two, why didn’t you wear that wedding ring, I could have had that too.
The Army tried to do me right, maybe best of all but society had already messed me up so they sent me down the hall.
My brothers were all coming back it seems but had no place to go, the economy already took their jobs, left them with their nightmare dreams.
They sent the bad guy money makers, most of them, to jail. I mixed in quite well though I got a stiffer sentence while they all got to sail.
The judges were all concerned, it was so sad but their hands were tied, had it been up to them I may have surely died.
But society has set the course on which they then must follow, with hopes of course in a supreme seat they may also wallow.
And what about your cutting police and pay so a budget minded civic leader could get another raise, for that you win my praise!
He wasn’t here to see or even near to help me hear your plea.
So for your last gasp Mr. councilman it should be to thank yourself if you will, it was society did it to you, it wasn’t me!